Flyin Hearts


Adolescence is always self-transformation, an evolutionary process to be grasped in all its dimensions of somatic and psychological, cognitive and socio-relational change as well.

New adolescents affected by discomfort and psychiatric disorder are engaged in a double identity challenge; live the complexity of growth as a teenager intertwined with the phenomenologies of the experience of discomfort or psychopathological disorder.

For some children, suffering becomes a depressive episode, panic attack and anxiety crisis, self-harm, eating disorder, aggressive or violent conduct, and the use of treatments becomes for the family the search for effective psychotherapy, the specialized healthcare facility and by the competent doctor.


Globally, suicides rank second among the causes of death in the 15-29 age group (WHO). Second cause of death also for young Italians aged 15 to 24 with about 4,000 suicides registered every year in our country (Source: Istat).

In Italy the suicide trend is decreasing: from 1995 to 2017 the number of deaths, in all age groups, decreased by 14%. In the face of this decrease, cases of self-harm and suicidal behavior among adolescents are growing.

20% of young people engage in occasional or repeated self-injurious behavior over time. Urgent emergency room requests for suicidal ideation and behavior have increased by 20 times at the Bambino Gesù pediatric hospital in the past 8 years: from 12 cases in 2011 to 237 in 2018, including 10-11 year olds for self-harm and attempted suicide. Last year, again in the emergency room, almost 1,000 neuro-psychiatric consultations were carried out with an increase of 24% compared to 2017.

The Community plays a decisive role in the protection and promotion of the mental health of adolescents, in recognizing any disturbance and in taking action in a differentiated way through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach that takes into account the patient's person in his entirety.

Just in this direction Flyin Hearts Onlus stands with Wind Therapy born first of all as recovery and suicide prevention therapy.

The Wind Therapy project is an innovative project that is placed in the field of personalized medicine with the aim of supporting adolescents with psycho-behavioral problems. In partnership with the Villa Santa Giuliana Hospital in Verona, Flyin Hearts organizes supplementary courses (with respect to the therapeutic treatment followed by the individual children), based on a holistic approach to the person and on the strategic interaction of a series of educational proposals and interventions.

Through the practice of Kitesurfing, children are urged to go beyond their limits and to recover all that self-esteem devastated by the refusal of their person.


TGcom 24 interviews Georgia Gay and dr. Amedeo Bezzetto on Wind Therapy by Flyin Hearts
'Adolescence Hurricane'